Booking Terms & Conditions

~ 1 ~ The Contract

~ 1.1 ~ When you submit a booking you will receive a booking summary by email to the email address you provide in the booking form. This does not form a contract between us. A contract shall only arise when we have received your Deposit and have confirmed your booking by post or email (the Contract). The Contract will be subject to these booking terms and conditions and must be complied with.

~ 1.2 ~ - The Contract for a short-term holiday rental will be between Mr Jeremy Entwistle, trading as Moelfre Holiday Rentals (referred to as “us”, “we” or “our”) and the person making the booking and all members of the holiday party (referred to as “you” or “your”) in the following booking terms and conditions. As our properties are located in Wales, you and we agree that the laws of Wales will govern our Contract with you. If any individual term or clause stated in these terms and conditions held to be invalid, impermissible or unenforceable permissible by law, the remaining terms shall be unaffected and shall remain valid. These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights.

~ 1.3 ~ - The lead guest must be at least 21 years of age at the time of booking. At the time of booking or when otherwise requested by us, and prior to arrival, you must provide a full list containing the names and ages (if under 18) of all adults, children and infants that will be staying. You are entitled to change members of your booking party prior to arrival, provided that you do not exceed the maximum occupancy of the accommodation (or the reduced occupancy agreed at the time of booking if lower); however, where you have previously provided details of the booking party to us, we will need you to provide details of any such changes. 

~ 1.4 ~ - By making the booking, you confirm that you are authorised to make the booking and that you are responsible for ensuring that all members of your booking party comply with the Terms of Use (as set out below), however, the Contract for the provision of accommodation is between us and you (as the person making the booking). You are responsible for making all payments due to us. 

~ 2 ~ Booking, Deposit, Balance, and Payment

~ 2.1 ~ Booking

Your booking can be placed by email, message or by telephone. 

Where your booking is communicated to us by telephone or by email, we will enter it onto our online reservation system, which will generate a summary by email to the email address provided to us.

However, in either instance, that does not mean that your booking is yet confirmed or that a contract is yet in force between us and you.

~ 2.2 ~ Deposit and Booking Fee

Your booking will only be confirmed, and our contract will only come into force once we have received payment in cleared funds of a deposit of 20% of the full cost of your booking, the booking fee and we have a completed booking form. 

The deposit and booking fee must be paid within 2 days of the booking being accepted.

~ 2.3 ~ Balance

The balance of the rental will be due for payment no later than 30 days prior to your holiday start date. We will send you a payment reminder. Full payment is due at the time of booking if your booking is made within 30 days of the start of your stay. No entry to our properties will be allowed without payment, in full, being cleared beforehand.

~ 2.4 ~ Payment

Payment can be made by bank transfer or via our online debit/credit card facility. Details will be provided with the booking.

Upon receipt of a deposit or full payment, written confirmation will be sent to you either by email or by post showing your booking details, the balance payment amount and date it is due to be paid. The contract with us begins upon issue of the written confirmation. 

~ 2.5 ~ Non-Payment

We are entitled to cancel a booking where payment has not been received when due. We will send you one reminder and do our best to contact you by telephone and email before any such cancellation. If we cancel in such circumstances, we will attempt to obtain a replacement booking. If we can obtain a replacement booking, you may be entitled to a refund or your liability to us may be reduced (in the same way as envisaged by Clause 3.3).

~ 2.6 ~ Cancellation

Once you have a confirmed booking your ability to cancel and receive a return of any monies paid by you is set out in Clause 3 below.

~ 2.7 ~ Transferring a Booking to a Different Date or Holiday Home

Once a booking is confirmed, the dates of your booking are not transferable other than by us in the limited circumstances contemplated by Clause 3.6 below following a Force Majeure Event. If you are unable to make use of your booking, you may transfer your booking to a third party with our consent which we will not withhold unreasonably.

~ 2.8 ~ Travel Insurance

We strongly recommend that you consider taking out insurance immediately following your booking being confirmed. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have adequate insurance in place to cover any loss or damage that you may suffer because of any cancellation of your booking. If you chose not to take out holiday travel insurance, then you accept responsibility for any loss that you may incur due to your cancellation. 

~ 3 ~ Cancellation

~ 3.1 ~ Cancellation by you

Please advise us as soon as possible if you need or wish to cancel. Cancellations must be notified to us in writing. It is important that you notify us as soon as possible, as this will give us a chance to obtain a replacement booking.

~ 3.2 ~ Cancellation by you more than 30 days prior to the first day of your booking

If you notify us of your wish to cancel 31 days or more before the first day of your booking, you will not be liable to pay the balance.

If we are able to obtain a replacement booking for all or part of the period of your booking, you will be entitled to the return of all or part of the Deposit, less in all cases a £50 cancellation fee to cover our costs and third party costs related to the cancellation and rebooking (such costs include our admin costs, bank fees, accounting fees and agent’s fees or commission payments).

The amount we refund to you under this Clause will depend on the final letting price that we receive for the new booking (which may be less than you have paid or agreed to pay).

If we are unable to re-let the accommodation for the dates of your booking you will not be entitled to the return of any of the Deposit.

Refunds for the cancelled booking will be released back to the cancelling guest within 7 days of original check in.

~ 3.3 ~ Cancellation by you less than 30 days prior to the first day of your booking

If you notify us of your wish to cancel 30 days or less before the first day of your booking, you will be liable to pay the balance (if not already paid). 

If we are able to obtain a replacement booking for all or part of the period of our booking, you will be entitled to the return of all or part of the cost of your booking, less in all cases a £50 cancellation fee, to cover our costs and third party costs related to the cancellation and rebooking (such costs include our admin costs, bank fees, accounting fees and agent’s fees or commission payments).

The amount we refund to you under this Clause will depend on the final letting price that we receive for the new booking (which may be less than you have paid or agreed to pay).

If we are unable to re-let the accommodation for the dates of your booking you will not be entitled to the return of any of the deposit or balance payment.

Refunds for the cancelled booking will be released back to the cancelling guest within 7 days of original check in.

~ 3.4 ~ Your inability to travel

Your inability (or the inability of any, some or all of your intended occupants) or disinclination to travel to and stay at the accommodation booked by you for any reason including but not limited to, illness, (including Covid), requirement or recommendation to self-isolate or quarantine, shielding, jury duty, military service, incarceration, change in personal or work circumstances, family emergencies, accident, hospital appointments or surgeries, injury, travel delays and vehicle breakdown remains at your risk and does not give rise to a right to cancel or to receive a refund other than under the terms of this Clause 3. 

You are strongly recommended to take out holiday travel insurance to cover these eventualities. If you choose not to take out holiday travel insurance, then you accept responsibility for any loss that you may incur due to your cancellation.

~ 3.5 ~ Cancellation by us

If our performance is hindered or prevented by a Force Majeure Event (please see definition below), we may, at our sole discretion, offer you:

  1. a full or partial refund; or
  2. alternative dates; or
  3. such other remedy as we consider appropriate (acting reasonably) with regard to the circumstances.

For the purposes of this Contract, Force Majeure Event means any of the following circumstances which may hinder or prevent the performance by us of the Contract, including but not limited to: (a) acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disaster; (b) epidemic or pandemic; (c) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations; (d) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom; (e) any law or any action taken by a government or public authority, including without limitation imposing a restriction, prohibition, or failing to grant a necessary licence or consent; (f) collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident; (g) any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts; (h) non-performance by suppliers or contractors; and (i) interruption or failure of utility service.

~ 3.6 ~ We reserve the right to refuse to hand over the accommodation to (or to allow the continued occupation by) any person who in our reasonable opinion is not in a suitable state to take charge of it.

~ 3.7 ~ We reserve the right to require any guest to leave the accommodation and site where, in our reasonable opinion, the guest fails to observe the Terms of Use or otherwise poses a threat to our safety or 

the safety or enjoyment of other guests or causes damage to property or danger to others.

~ 3.8 ~ In the circumstances described in 3.6 and 3.7, no refunds shall be given unless we are able to re-let the accommodation and having done so have fully recovered any costs associated with the relevant circumstances.

Terms of Use

~ 4 ~ Period of Hire – Arrival and Departure

The period from the holiday start date to the day of departure set out in the booking (the “Holiday Departure Date”) is the “Holiday Period”.

~ 4.1 ~ We cannot accommodate early arrival or late departures as we need this time to perform maintenance and cleaning to the accommodation and grounds as well as prepare for the next guests.

~ 4.2 ~ You should not arrive before 4pm on the holiday start date. 

If your accommodation is ready before 4pm, we will text you on the mobile number given on booking to let you know you the accommodation is ready for you.

~ 4.3 ~ Please leave no later than 10.00am on the day of departure. 

~ 5 ~ Use of the Accommodation

You must not use the accommodation except for the purpose of a holiday during the holiday period, and not for any other purpose or longer period. The agreement to stay in the accommodation for the holiday period, does not create the relationship of Landlord and Tenant between the parties. 

~ 5.1 ~ Number of Persons Using the Accommodation

Under no circumstances may more than the maximum number of persons stated on booking (including children and infants) occupy the accommodation. This will either be agreed with you at the time of booking or otherwise will be the capacity of that accommodation as stated on our website. 

~ 5.2 ~ The identity of anyone staying at the accommodation must be disclosed to us prior to their arrival (if they are not mentioned on the booking form). We reserve the right to refuse admittance or require you to leave our accommodation if this condition is not observed. Any persons other than members of your party, named on the booking form, must not use our accommodation or facilities.

~ 5.3 ~ If you wish to invite additional visitors to visit you in your accommodation during your stay, please ask us. We will try to accommodate this, but we need to comply with the maximum site occupancy limits and consider our other guests. Such visitors will not be permitted to use any of the facilities which are for booked guests only.

~ 5.4 ~ Care of the Accommodation

You are responsible for the accommodation, and we ask that you look after it and take all reasonable care of its furniture, pictures, fittings and effects, in or on the accommodation. You must leave the accommodation in the same state of repair, and in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period. If you mistreat your accommodation or its contents (or fail to comply with other obligations giving rise to costs incurred by us), you are legally bound to reimburse us. If you lose a key, or if it is necessary, in some circumstances, to replace the whole lock, you will be liable for the replacement.

~5.5 ~ We appreciate that accidents can happen and take a pragmatic and sensible approach to damage and breakages – we would not charge you for the odd broken mug or glass, but please do tell us so we can put it right. However, if you dye your hair and the product you use discolours tiles, fittings, sheets or towels, you are legally bound to reimburse us for replacement, repair, or extra cleaning costs on demand. Any damages or breakages will have to be paid for in full on demand within seven (7) days of notification in writing.

~ 5.6 ~ Cleaning

On departure, please leave the accommodation as you found it, in a clean and tidy condition. Please ensure that you have washed and dried up (or loaded the dishwasher and started the cycle), removed rubbish and any spare food and put it in relevant bins and recycling facilities, and ensure that ovens and barbeques are clean and free from grease. Please return any furniture or other items that you have moved back to where they were on arrival.

~ 5.7 ~ Smoking

Smoking is not allowed in any of the properties. If smoking outside, guests are requested not to smoke in doorways or near open windows and not leave any trace of smoking in internal bins, around the property or garden.

~ 5.8 ~ Dogs

Well behaved dogs are welcome. The properties that accept dogs are clearly marked on the website. Dogs are charged at a cost of £25 per dog per week or part week with a maximum of 2 dogs per property.

Dogs must be house trained, kept under control and are not allowed on the furniture, especially the beds. Dogs should NEVER be left alone in the properties unless left in a crate (that they are used to) and only if they are unlikely to bark and disturb other guests. Dogs should not be allowed in the bedrooms or on any furniture or beds. All dog mess must be cleared up immediately.

We ask you to bring bedding and towels for your dog with you. Please ensure you clean off your dog before allowing them back into the property.

Please thoroughly clean the property, including dog hair from rugs, before you leave; if properties require additional cleaning or dogs have been in the bedrooms or on a sofa, we will charge a £50 fee to cover the cost.

~ 5.9 ~ Electric Vehicle charging 

Your use of the property does not entitle you to charge an electric vehicle or appliance other than personal electronic devices. In no circumstances are extension leads permitted to be used as these cause a very real health and safety risk. If you have charging requirements, please get in touch before your stay and we can discuss this.

~ 5.10 ~ Third Party Services

If you wish to engage any third party to perform any service (including by way of example private catering, beauty therapy, childminding, or entertainment services) at your accommodation, you must obtain our written permission. Such permission should be requested in advance of your stay with details of the entity you intend to use to perform the service, the service to be performed and details of their public and employer’s liability insurance. Consent will only be given where we and our insurers are happy that the appropriate risks have been covered. The use of fireworks is not permitted in any circumstances.

Any recommendation of a supplier made by us will be based on our genuine belief or experience or feedback received by us from other guests or local contacts. A recommendation by us of a supplier does not relieve you of the requirement to obtain our written permission as set out above.

We will not accept liability for the services provided (or failure to provide such services) by any third party supplier or business used by you in the course of your Stay (regardless of whether they are recommended or referred by us). This will not apply where we have been negligent or dishonest in this regard.

~ 6 ~ WIFI

Free Wi-Fi is provided for your reasonable use and may be subject to separate terms and conditions. You agree to reasonable and lawful usage of this service. We will not be liable for slow connections or for any interruptions to or the failure of this service.

~ 7 ~ Liability

~ 7.1~ You must take all necessary steps to safeguard yourselves and your property.

~ 7.2 ~ We, our employees, contractors and representatives shall not be liable to you or your party for loss or damage to property.

~ 7.3 ~ We, our employees, contractors and representatives shall not be liable to you or your party for accidents or injuries to you and your party, either within the property or outside unless demonstrably caused by our negligence or wilful misconduct or that of those for whom we are legally responsible.

~ 7.4 ~ We shall not be liable to you for the failure or non-availability of any particular facility in the Cottage or at the site although in all cases we will seek to rectify any such failure as soon as is reasonably practicable.

~ 8 ~ Talk To Us

~ 8.1 ~ We really want to ensure you have an enjoyable stay (we know how much we look forward to our holidays and are sure that you are no different). However, if you have any problem or cause for complaint, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible to give us the best chance to resolve it. We value your custom and want you to enjoy your stay and return (and to recommend us to your friends!). We live nearby and will do our best to resolve any issues as soon as we can.

~ 8.2 ~ If you notice that something is broken or not working properly, please tell us even if it is not causing you a problem or discomfort as we want to ensure things are as good as they can be for all guests.

~ 9 ~ Right of Entry

Mr Jeremy Entwistle or his representatives retain the right to enter the properties at all reasonable times.

~ 10 ~ Price Changes

We reserve the right to amend prices quoted due to errors or omissions.

~ 11 ~ Breach of Contract

If there shall be a breach of any of these conditions by you or any member of the party, we reserve the right to refuse to hand over the property to you or enter the property and repossess it, terminating your booking immediately. If we do this, we will treat this as a cancelled booking, and you will not receive a refund of any money you have paid for breach of contract.

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